About HGAC & HGACBuy

H-GAC (Houston-Galveston Area Council) is the regional organization through which local governments consider issues and cooperate in solving area-wide problems. Through H-GAC, local governments also initiate efforts in anticipating and preventing problems, saving public funds. The 13-county H-GAC service region is growing, becoming more diverse, and constantly changing. In order to address the needs of citizens and businesses, local governments are providing leadership to guide regional development widely and manage change constructively. 

Cooperative Purchasing

The H-GAC Cooperative Purchasing Program assists local governments in reducing costs through this government-to-government procurement service available nationwide. This program is available to local government entities and qualifying non-profit corporations. 


HGACBuy is a “Government-to-Government” procurement service available nationwide. Governmental entities have been procuring products and service through HGACBuy for over 30 years. As a unit of local government assisting other local governments, HGACBuy strives to make the governmental procurement process more efficient by establishing competitively priced contracts for goods and services, and providing the customer service necessary to help its members achieve their procurement goals. All contracts available to members of HGACBuy have been awarded by virtue of a public competitive procurement process compliant with state statutes. 

All units of local government, including non-profits providing governmental services, are eligible to join HGACBuy. 

HGAC Website: www.hgacbuy.org

Products Offered: 

Ambulances, EMS and Other Special Service Vehicles

  • Light & Medium EMS/Rescue Vehicles
  • Mobile & Urban Command Vehicles
  • Mobile Command Centers

Many variations, options and accessories are available through the HGACBuy contracts.

Fire Service Apparatus

These contracts cover a variety of manufacturers, and include all types of apparatus such as aerials, pumpers, tankers, heavy rescues, airport crash, HAZMAT, command, and specialties.


Smart Growth & Regional Collaboration

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts state bid contract for MAPC/FCAM is available for purchases of Ambulances and Fire Apparatus.


Metropolitan Area Planning Council
60 Temple Place
Boston, MA 02111
Phone: (617) 933-0766

MAPC’s Collective Purchasing Programs is dedicated to assisting municipalities to procure and save on a full range of apparatus, equipment and services. MAPC’s procurement process makes it easy to save time and money by offering various contracts for emergency vehicles.

The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is a regional planning agency serving the people who live and work in the 101 cities and towns in Metropolitan Boston. MAPC acts as the purchasing agent for the Fire Chief’s Association of Massachusetts (FCAM) and issues all bids and contracts in compliance with Chapter 30B. 

MAPC Website: www.mapc.org


The Fire Chief’s Association of Massachusetts (FCAM) is a membership-based corporation that provides technical assistance and advice to member municipalities and other fire and emergency medical service provides throughout Massachusetts. 

The FCAM program is a convenient, cost-effective way for communities to easily “shop and buy” fire apparatus and manufacturers without having to worry about pricing because MAPC has already negotiated the price in compliance with relevant law. MAPC acts as the purchasing agent for FCAM and issues all bids and contracts in compliance with M.G.L. c. 30B.

FCAM Website: www.fcam.org